Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Tuesday June 23

☁️Have A Wonderful Day!☁️

Indigenous Stories with Saa'kokoto. 
 Join in Google Meet @ 9:30AM
Room code: ehsgrade1and2


Good Morning from Mrs. Bates 


Check out this book read by author, Todd Parr. We've also attached a link to a free activity book online created by the author.
Love the World
Todd Parr's Free Activity Book


Today we have a special guest via Google Meet, Saa'kokoto is here to share some stories with us.  Join the Google Meet at 9:30 am for 30min.  Use code: ehsgrade1and2

Return of CBE Loaned Technology 
We are very thankful for the CBE setting up a system for loaning out technology to our families that needed a device to help make ongoing learning a little easier. As we approach the last weeks of the school year we will now need to safely receive all of these devices back from families. 

If you have a CBE Chromebook or iPad that you borrowed during this time, we ask that you please return it at the Front Entry of our school during the following times: 
-Monday, June 22 - Thursday, June 25 between 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM 
-Friday, June 26 between 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM 
-Monday, June 29 between 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM 

Please ensure that you complete a Technology Return Slip when you drop off the device to ensure we know who has dropped it off. Thank you again! 

Finishing Up in Google Classroom

To close off the year we need to prepare the Google Classroom for the summer.  This will mean returning any old assignments that we have not yet returned.  No action is required on your part as you receive notifications of these assignments being returned.  The Google Classroom will be available over the summer for you to view past assignments however no uploading will be possible.