Friday, October 18, 2019

Friday, October 18th

What did we do today? 
Well, let me tell you.
We had an exciting Ignite, as we do most days. Many of us took it upon ourselves to start making little books that we intend to fill with drawings and bits of writing. I even heard some talk of writing stories in those little books. Sharing our own little story books with our friends would be pretty cool, don't you think? A good number of us chose to follow along with art instructional videos. The results were pretty neat!
After Ignite, we continued with our Friendship Journal writing. We're working on writing our own complete sentences now and we're challenging ourselves to write as many sentences as we can muster. As if our day wasn't already super exciting, we had the fire alarm go off after we'd finished writing! It was a fire drill though, so everything was okay. We did a fantastic job of lining up quietly and making our way out of the designated exit. Our teachers told us we were excellent, which is always nice. We went back inside to grab a snack and then promptly returned back outside for our movement break. There were plenty of games of tag to be had!
Once we returned to class, we began work on a follow-up Inquiry project after our field trip yesterday. Our task was to plot out our day by documenting the sights we saw and areas we visited. We brainstormed some ideas of things we might have encountered together and then broke up into groups to make our "day maps". We'll be revisiting this project on Monday. Should be fun!

Have a wonderful weekend!