Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Tuesday October 15, 2019

Today we had LOTS going on in our pod!  See below for a list of things the kids remembered from our day.  Not all groups did everything today but will eventually.  For example, today Summer group had Music so the other two groups worked on making words.  Next time when the other two groups have Music, Summer group will work on making words.

-some of us worked in a small group on our legibility and letter formation
-today we had a Roots of Empathy visit to talk about our babies
-some of us worked with Calgary Reads while others worked on Read To Self...we got to almost 11 minutes!
-some of us had Music
-we all had gym
-we all had IGNITE (some of us worked with teachers on letter recognition, phonemic awareness tasks, reading)
-we all did read alouds in our home room groups, ask your child what books they read (hint: Ms. Disher's group read Robert Munsch's, Too Much Stuff and talked about the concept of sarcastic sense of humor!)
-we all worked on a mural of who we felt were important in our community...see pictures below
-we all worked in our math groups on number sense, ask your child what they did today (hint: Ms. Disher's group worked on one more, one less, two more, two less using a 100's chart and using the words more and less to describe numbers: What number is two more than 64?  What number is two more than 25 and one less than 28?)

Please return all field trip forms ASAP as we need them tomorrow to finalize planning our trip to the Glenbow Ranch on Thursday.

Several parents have asked about proper letter formation.  See the photo below for some information.

The Peace Pod