Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Tuesday October 1st

Today was another busy day...
-we had Roots of Empathy and learned about the needs of babies and why they cry (ask your child about what they did specifically in their half hour session)
-we worked on building our reading stamina again, our goal is to get to 10 minutes
-we read a story called There's An Ant In Anthony (we read it to learn about making words and that smaller words can be found in larger words like the word "ant" in: Anthony, Santa, cantalope, pants, etc.)
-we split into 2 groups and 1 group learned more about Terry Fox while the other did their art inspired by Piet Mondrian
-we wrote about another new friend in our Friendship Journals
-in math we did a 3rd lesson about making 10-some of us are making 10 into 2 groups while others are doing 3 groups
-we also played a game called "Under the Bowl" (ask your child to explain the game)

Have a fantastic day!
From the Peace Pod