Monday, September 30, 2019

Happy Monday Everyone!

We sure enjoyed playing in the snow during our morning body break and at lunch.  We reviewed how to play safely in the snow-not throwing snow at each other. 

Language Arts-Today some groups worked on making words.  Each student got 5 letter tiles for the word "hand" and we cut them out and practiced moving them around to make new words (i.e. an, had, sad, etc.).  Some groups reviewed this activity.  We also worked on our Friendship Journals and practiced building stamina in read to self.  Today we practiced finding a spot in our own personal space away from others and reading quietly the whole time.  One way to challenge your child at home is to make letter tiles out of scrap paper using your child's first name (i.e. McKayla-lay, a, may, clay, etc.).  Word play is an important part of learning new words and using vocabulary students already have.  A really good website for literacy and math games is  The kids have been using the Sight Word Bingo game during IGNITE.

Ask your child about some of the new IGNITE centers we have put out (Hint: Up To Your Neck In Words Spelling game, Designer Squares math game).

Math-Ask your child about the game we played today with a partner called Find It!  The game allows us to work on our subitizing skills as identified in the Program of Studies.  Subitizing is important because it is the ability to identify a quantity quickly without counting or "counting with your eyes".  As well, it helps us to handle addition and subtraction concepts, as they don't have to count each small group to be added or removed when learning number operations with manipulatives-it is recognizing numbers to 10 at a glance.  See the game board below.

Some groups went to Music while others go tomorrow.  We had gym outside in the snow before our Orange Shirt Day Assembly.  Please see the Monday Connect email for more information on upcoming events and dates.

Have a fantastic day!
From The Peace Pod