Monday, September 23, 2019

Monday, September 23, 2019


  • Tomorrow is student picture day. These are individual photos only. Class photos will be in the Spring
  • Friday is the Terry Fox Run. We will be participating in this event along with TMC school and Tuscany school. We had our Terry Fox Assembly to learn about Terry today. Check the Monday connect for more information
  • Pledge forms (optional participation) will be sent home tomorrow for the TFR. We are also collecting "Toonies for Terry" all week
  • The Book truck will be here Wednesday

International Day of Peace

To mark the International day of Peace, the Peace Pod and Joy Pod worked together to create a Peace Tree. Students worked in buddies across grades to create symbols of peace and added their "Pieces of Peace" onto our tree. It serves as a reminder to choose kindness and spread peace daily in our lives. 

Empty the Bowl

We learned a new math game today called Empty the Bowl. It continues to help us build our numeracy skills. See if your child can teach you how to play at home!

Training for Terry

In PE today we were building our stamina for the Terry Fox run by running laps outside. We also learned how to jump and land safely.