- Friday is the Terry Fox Run. We will be participating in this event along with TMC school and Tuscany school. We will be going on the run regardless of weather, so please check the forecast so that your child will be warm enough.
- Pledge forms (optional participation) will be sent home tomorrow for the TFR. We are also collecting "Toonies for Terry" all week
- Choir will start on Tuesday, October 1st at lunchtime for students who are interested in participating. Permission forms were sent home earlier in the month.
Mapping our School
We used loose parts to map our school ground today. We were put into mixed groups based on yesterdays groupings so that we had experts from all 3 perspectives of the school yard (front/back/side). Students worked in groups of 6 to collaboratively build a model.
We had a math talk today to follow up from yesterday's lesson. We discussed different strategies used to make 10. Students worked to show how to make 10 with two or three addends. Some groups of students also went on to discover number patterns and sequences.