Friday, September 13, 2019

Friday September 13, 2019

Today we had a pod visit from Mrs. Kinsman.  She was here to read us a story that connects us to the story of our school and each other.  She read us Fantastic Flying Books by William Joyce.  The book can be found in our Learning Commons.

Ask your child about our scavenger hunt we did outside in groups of three (hint: We did this activity creating groups of three-one from each pod to get to know each other and practice working together).

We kindly ask that your child's personal items are labelled with their name.  We have had several items go missing already such as lunch kits, shoes and water bottles.  As well, we have several children that have the same shoes or lunch kits.  We have several lost and found bins around the school.  Your child has been shown where these are.

We are looking forward to seeing you at our Open House next Thursday.  Please check past Monday Connect Messages and the one that is coming out Monday the 16th for more information.  There is no school next Friday and next Thursday is early dismissal due to the Open House.

Have a fantastic weekend!
Mrs. Bates, Ms. Disher, Mrs. Shepherd and Mrs. Campbell