Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tuesday, October 22nd


Sorry about the missing blog yesterday. Here's a quick recap of what happened:

  • We began with Ignite
  • Worked on our reading stamina
  • Ate our snacks and ran around outside
  • Sang songs and learnt about music with Mrs. Coulson
  • Worked on our math
  • Ended our work on our Glenbow Ranch visual maps 
  • Had phys. ed. outside
  • Played a math game
  • Went home with high spirits
Today we used our Ignite time to finished up the last remaining Glenbow Ranch visual maps and began work on the last step of our poppy painting for Remembrance Day. After that, some of us went to the gym where we played a fun little "hot potato" passing game with Mr. Der. He often ends the class with a yoga stretch, ab exercise, or push-ups. Today we did tree pose, which sometimes known as a stork stand, to practice our balance. Maybe you could challenge us after dinner to see who can stand like that the longest! 
After phys. ed., we had our Health class where we learned about our brains. Specifically, we learned about the amygdala, the hippocampus, and the prefrontal cortex. We learned that the amygdala is responsible for our "flight or fight" response and we used our hippocampus to retain that information. Then we used our prefrontal cortex, the learning and thinking centre of the brain, to discuss our understandings. Using our brains to learn about our brains is so neat!
After that, we had a read-aloud where the book, I Like Pumpkins, was read to us. During the read-aloud, we listened for rhyming pairs and we wrote them down on the whiteboard. I wonder what we'll do with all those rhyming pairs we've collected. Hmmm.
Following our read-aloud, we went outside to eat snacks and frolic throughout the playground. Upon returning to class, we practiced building our reading stamina. We're at twelve and a half minutes! Ooooh, so close to fifteen minutes! Then we made words using the letters I-G-N-S-W. How many words can you make with those letters? 
We took a break from schoolwork to munch our lunches and take advantage of the crisp, fall air. Returning to the classroom all rosy-cheeked, we settled in for Mindfulness. Mrs. Bates lead us in some yoga poses. Having calmed our minds, we broke into our math groups. 
Aren't you curious about what we learned in math today? Ask your kid and see what they say!
In Inquiry, we continued our investigation into our school community. We compiled a list of all the school members we could think of. It was pretty long by the end. It takes a lot of people to make a school run, I guess. 
We ended the day with a Friendship Journal. It's always interesting to learn about the kids in our class. 

Looking forward to seeing you all again tomorrow!