Friday, December 13, 2019

Friday, November 13, 2019

Today we really enjoyed our Green Fools sharing time.  Thank you to those parents that came to watch, the students all did an amazing job showing off their amazing circus skills.

We also had the opportunity to do a Learning Walk in the Hub put on by the grade 3/4 Joy Pod.  It was amazing to see all of the interesting things that they have been learning about over the past few months.

During the last part of our morning we spent time in our Season groups working on Field trip journal pages and other finish up projects.  We ended the day with a Gratitude Circle and shared all of the wonderful things we are thankful for.

Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.  We do go outside daily for a body break so we want all students to be warm in the winter weather.

The Autumn group goes on their field trip to Ralph Klein Park on Monday, Dec 16.  Please ONLY pack a lunch, snack and water bottle.  We need to be able to fit our visual journals and our indoor shoes in our backpacks.  Please dress for the weather as we will be outside for longer periods.

Next week is the final week before Christmas break and we have many fun activities planned including Carolling and the daily Spirit Week events.

Have a great weekend!

Peace Pod