Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Tuesday, December 10

Summer Group went on their field trip! 


Today, the Summer group went on a field trip to Ralph Klein Park & Environmental Education Center. They went on a long walk throughout the park and learned a lot about local animals and their relationships to the seasons.

The Environmental Education Center had lots of interesting facts and things to see!


Those of us who stayed at school had a bit of an unusual day in comparison to our normal schedule. After Ignite, both classes had Phys. Ed. together. We're still enjoying our Green Fools residency. We're learning to walk on tight ropes, juggle, use devil sticks, and balance. It's loads of fun! 


This is our last week with the Green Fools, so we're really trying hard to improve our skills while we have our great Green Fools instructors here. 


The Winter Group remained with the Green Fools for a full hour to account for the Phys. Ed. time they'll forego while on their field trip this Thursday. Autumn Group returned to their home room to begin Literacy. We had two unique themes for the day because Summer Group was away. Winter's theme revolved around Robert Munch books, while Autumn was focused on the works of Jan Brett. Autumn's Literacy lesson today grew from Brett's book called "The Mitten". After reading the story, we were all tasked with retelling the story in our own writing. 
It was at this point that we all went outside for a body break. 
We continued work on our writing after our break while Winter Group began an art project based on a Munch book they read. Soon after, Autumn went to Music class. 
After lunch and Mindfulness, we continued work in separate Winter / Autumn groups. Autumn did a counting and number patterns exercise following the reading of "Trouble with Trolls". Winter did a Making Words exercise based on Munch's "Finding Christmas" book. Winter then continued their beautiful artwork while Autumn began an art piece based on Brett's "The Hat". 

Fun was to be had by all in the Peace Pod! 


  • If your child is in Autumn or Winter group and has not yet returned a field trip form, please do so. 
  • There will be a Green Fools Celebration on Friday at 9:15AM to 9:45AM in the Gym. Parents are invited.