Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Wednesday December 4, 2019

Today we had baby visits!  All of our Roots Babies have grown so much and today we sang songs and asked lots of questions to learn all about their milestones.

During our Literacy block, most students read "But No Elephants" and wrote a response to the question - If you could have any pet, what would it be?  Why?  Some of their dream pets were cats, puppies, pandas, platypus and fish.  Some other students had some time in their Guided Reading groups working on a variety of reading strategies.

After lunch, we practiced Mindfulness and then dove right back into our Community structures.  We did a gallery walk to see all of our classmates creations.  Then we spent some time comparing and discussing our designs with a small group.  What shapes and materials did your child use to build their community structure?

The last part of our day was spent practicing our Math skills through partnergames and enjoying more circus tricks with Green Fools during our Phys Ed time.  What was the special item that was fun to balance with today?

Autumn had their field trip forms sent home today.  Please check your child's backpack for the yellow form.

Stay warm... feels like snow!

Peace Pod


  • Please return Field Trip forms ASAP for Ralph Klein Park
  • Eric Harvie would love your support with Families Helping Families.  See the following link: 

  • NO SCHOOL Friday, Dec 6 - Professional Development Day