Monday, December 2, 2019

Monday, December 2

The year is nearly done! 

Today our morning was heavily focused on literacy. After Ignite, we began with our reading groups and literacy centres. Then we had a free writing session were our theme was about what we had done over the weekend. After a movement break, we continued writing until lunchtime. 
In the afternoon, we focused on the Inquiry project about community landmarks we have been working towards over the last week or so. We finished up our planning phase and, by utilizing our knowledge of 3D objects from our Math studies, we began building our landmarks. This project accounted for most of our afternoon until we went to Phys. Ed. where we were delighted to begin the two-week residency of Green Fools, a circus and theatre society. The Green Fools began teaching us how to juggle today. Ask your child for a demonstration!

Dec 5/19 - Field trip form for Ralph Klein Park are due for Summer and Winter (Autumn forms will be coming home soon).  If you would like to volunteer, please email your classroom teacher.

Dec 6/19 - Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL