Friday, November 15, 2019

Friday November 15, 2019

Today we had our first Wonder Time.  Wonder Time was organized into pods and will be again for our second Wonder Time later in the month.  Our focus was on ideation: learning to generate ideas.  This is just one piece of the Design Thinking Process: Discovery/Empathy, Defining the Problem, Ideation, Prototyping and Testing.  The Design Thinking Process incorporates all subject areas.  Kids are engaging in literacy, math, science and so on.  Our design challenge that we used to learn about and practice ideation was: How might we design our classroom to share our learning with our families.  We engaged in a sequence of activities to build/generate our ideas:
1. We read the story Iggy Peck The Architect
2.  Think like an architect for the following challenge, you are the designers/builders
3.  Present the design challenge (see above)
4.  Talk Time: in a small group, talk about and share your ideas for this challenge.
5.  Narrow down what we would like to share (each group pick one of their ideas to share with the large group).
6.  After the large group share, engage in more talk time with your group to refine ideas.
7.  Share more ideas as a large group.
8. In your group: pick one of your ideas or "steal" an idea that was shared.
9. Create a map with your group on the paper provided.

Today we also worked on our community maps for our community project.  Ask your child what they put on their heart maps. 

 Ask your child about 2D shapes and 3D objects (hint: names and describing words)

We will be going to Ralph Klein Park.  More details to come.  See below for the dates:
Mrs. Bates - December 10th
Ms. Disher - December 12th
Mr. Kai - December 16th

From the Peace Pod
Have a great weekend!