Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tuesday November 19, 2019

Today in Math we worked on the 2D shape and 3D object outcomes.  In Ms. Disher's math group we worked on understanding 3D objects that roll, stack and slide.  We looked closer at what it means for 3D objects to stack versus balance.  Other math groups also explored 3D objects (hint: vertices, edges, faces).

During our Inquiry time, we put what we have been learning about shapes and objects into a design challenge: build a skyscraper or the tallest building you can.  Kids worked on the following identified statement: I can make 3D objects using marshmallows and toothpicks.  The challenge was even more challenging since they were given only 50 marshmallows and 30 toothpicks.  Kids got right to work designing and using the mathematical concepts/terms they have been learning about:

Have a great night and drive safe!
The Peace Pod