Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Tuesday, November 12

Welcome back! 

I hope you all had a fantastic long weekend! 
We certainly wasted no time in getting back to our studies. Firstly, we began our day with Ignite, as is the norm. However, those of us in the Winter group with Ms. Disher had a baby visit for our Roots of Empathy program first thing in the morning. That's never a bad way to start the day, now is it. We followed up our morning activities with Phys. Ed. and Health where we learned about ways to control our emotions when we get really upset. Ask your child to share some of the ideas we brainstormed with you!
We then had a read-a-loud. Over the last week, we've been reading Nick Bland's Bear books. Each book tells a fun little story about a bear written in traditional rhyming schemes. As we read these books together, we've been picking out the rhyming pairs we hear and collecting them. We'll use these rhymes to study spelling patters in various word families. What fun!
After a movement break out in the slushy snow, we had a period of writing. It was then time for lunch.
In our Math class, we began work on the new "Shapes" unit. We worked on refreshing our memory with some 2D shapes recognition and learned about the various attributes for each of these shapes. We then had the first lockdown practice of the year. Finally, in our Inquiry studies, we began work on our "Heart Maps". These are "maps" that plot out all of our passions and interests. This work will be part of a larger project that we are working towards.