Thursday, November 14, 2019

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Today, after IGNITE, we spent time with Mrs. Kinsman reading 'Wishtree', all students are truly enjoying the story time and drawing what they imagine the Wishtree to be.

We continued with our independent writing.  We shared with our fellow students and worked on adding detail to our pictures and writing.  In our writing we added detail by thinking about the 5 Ws: who, what, when, where, why.  It's great to hear and read about all of the neat experiences that our students have had.

In the afternoon we had Mr. Kelly joined us for an Art Lesson.  He taught us about all of the different types of lines (can your child name a few?) and read the story "ish" by Peter Reynolds.  Mr. Kelly tells so many funny stories and he always has us laughing.  We did a guided draw of a robot using squares, rectangles and triangles.

We also continued to work on 2D and 3D shapes in math.  Ask your child if they can name shapes around your home.  Is the shape 2D or 3D?

Please remember to label your child's belongings.  We have had many winter items and food containers left behind at the end of the day.

See you tomorrow!