Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Today we tried something new during our Literacy time.  We have been exploring the important individuals within our school community.  We generated many questions that we could ask in order to learn more about them.  Today a few students interviewed one of our wonderful student teachers Ms. Rau.  We used her answers to create a Journal page about her.  We worked on building interesting sentences while using capital letters and periods.

We also worked on Building words with the letters M-U-N-K-I-P-P.  We built a variety of words and some students quickly solved the magic word.

After lunch we enjoyed Fireside Mindfulness to warm us up from a cold play outside.

In Math, all students worked on building and representing numbers in a variety of ways.

We ended our day with some amazing Assembly preparations.  All students in Peace Pod have worked so hard practicing their important parts and performing in a respectful manner.  It is coming together so nicely and we hope to get into the gym tomorrow for our final touches.

-Please ensure your child's belongings are labeled.  When the weather is cold, many things come to school and we have many items being left behind at the end of the day.
- Remembrance Day Assembly 10:45 am Friday, November 8

Stay warm and see you tomorrow!