Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Wednesday November 20, 2019

Just a quick reminder that there is no regular school on Friday due to student-led conferences.  If you have not booked a conference yet, there are still spots available.  Please come with your child to conferences as they will be leading you through learning tasks.

Today we had the Book Truck and reminded students to change their home reading if need be.  We continued with our guided reading books, read to self and buddy reading. 

In Math and Inquiry we continued our work with 2D shapes and 3D objects.  We are learning to describe and compare 3D objects.  Ask your child if they can tell you something that is the same and different about a cube and cone (hint: a cube has faces that are square and a cone does not have any square faces, both a cube and cone have some flat faces).  During Inquiry we are learning to build structures using 3D objects and 2D shapes.

Here is more of what we did today...enjoy!

Have a great day and see you at conferences!
The Peace Pod