Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Today Summer and Autumn rooms had baby visits and learned about our baby milestones and had lots of time for students to ask questions about our beautiful babies.

We also continued to make as many words as possible from the letters N-O-P-D-S...students are getting very good at working together to make one, two, three and four letter words.  Ask your child what the magic word is.

As we work towards building on our writing skills, today we spent some time doing independent writing.  We wrote about "What is your favourite vacation, trip or place?"  Students were focussed and enthusiastic to write and share their ideas.

In the afternoon, our student teachers led us in a lesson on 'My Heart Map'.  We chose the 7 most important things/places/people in our lives and began to create a personal Heart Map. It is a great way to learn more about each other.

In Math we are learning all about many 2D shapes can your child name?  3D shapes?
We will be working towards comparing and describing these shapes and identifying where they are in our school community.

Enjoy your evening.

-Pointsetta/Flower order forms are due Nov 20, 2019.