Friday, March 6, 2020

Friday March 6, 2020

Reminder: return pink notice regarding the Read-A-Thon that went home on Thursday.

Conferences will be March 19th and 20th.  More information to come and check the Monday Connects coming up.

Today we walked through the Hub to see the amazing work from the Kindergarten students from their Learning Walk.

We read the story Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes.  It is a good story to talk about feeling worried and how our bodies feel physically when we are worried and how being worried affects us socially and emotionally.

Today for Wonder Time/Design Thinking, we looked at the following question: What can you build to help someone in our school community?  Students worked with a partner and used lego.  Below are some of our creations...

Have a wonderful weekend!
The Peace Pod