Monday, March 30, 2020

Happy Monday Peace Pod!  
We hope you are all doing well and had a restful and fun Spring Break.  Check out our below video to find out what your teachers did for Spring Break.  We would love to hear from you! Please share your spring break activities and stories below in the blog comments or write a journal entry about your Spring Break and send a photo of it to your teacher through email.  

Ms. Disher feels like good Pyjamas are essential right now so she would like to share with you Robert Munsch’s story “Pyjama Day”.  

Your Job For Today
We have a word work “Making Words” task for you to undertake today.  This is something we do in class often and you all know how to do. You need to make as many words as you can from the letters and then finally find the mystery word.  Keep track of the words you make in a list either in your writing notebook or another piece of paper in your house.  

Please find a piece of scrap paper and cut it into 6 pieces.  Label each piece with the following letters: n i g r s p 

What words can you make? What is the mystery word?  Are there any other words you can make that rhyme with some of the word families you find?
*parents if your child is struggling to make words - ask them to find the vowel, help them to make some of the word endings and ask them to change the beginning sound to make other words (ie. _ing, what letters can you use from the letter cards to put in front to make words)

If you would like another challenge try these letters: n a i r w o b

Some additional ideas you might like to explore today or throughout the week:

Mrs.Coulson has a song for you:

Mr. Der has an activity to get you moving today!

Sheree Fitch visited us last year at EHS. She is an author from Halifax and has begun a podcast where she reads her books/poems aloud. You can listen here:

Maybe you’d like to listen to an Astronaut read to you from space! Yes, from space! Here’s the link:

Calgary Reads offers a daily activity that is fun for the family. Click below to find out today’s “Noodle-Do-a-Day”:

*Parents: Please watch your email for an important email from your child’s teacher