Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

Today was busy and we got lots of things done.  All kids did literacy and math IGNITE centers.

All kids did either literacy centers with Mrs. Campbell OR Read to Someone, Read to Self, Guided Reading Groups and Writing with Ms. Disher, Mrs. Bates and Mr. Kai.  Ask your child which group they were in and what they did in their group.

Mr. Kai, Mrs. Bates and Ms. Disher worked on What is a sentence?  We talked and went over some examples and non-examples.  See if your child can turn the following into a sentence:  I went park.

Math: Ask your child what they did in their math group today.  We are all continuing our work on addition and subtraction and the relationship between the two.  We use games and mini-lessons to teach a variety of math addition and subtraction strategies and how to explain their thinking.

Afternoon Inquiry:  All of us had gym today and some had music.  Ms. Disher read 3 books by Molly Bang (all really great to work on social/emotional skills):
1. When Sophie Gets Angry-Really, Really Angry
2. When Sophie Thinks She Can't...
3. When Sophie's Feelings Are Really, Really Hurt

See below for some more pictures about our day that you can ask your child about:

Have a wonderful day!
The Peace Pod