Thursday, March 12, 2020


Up coming dates:

Spring Break - March 23rd - March 29th

Our day:

During our morning meeting we discussed ways to stay healthy. See the poster below to see what we highlighted. You can reinforce these behaviours at home and/or answer questions if they come your way.

Our Read-A-Thon activity today was buddy reading. The grade 1/2s paired up with the Joy pod (grade 3/4) to share some enjoyable reading time together!

In Inquiry today the arctic group was tasked with a challenge to create something that would protect you from  cold, wind and animals. They used loose parts and then were able to define what they built as being shelter. Students were given a chance to share their design with the class. We also watched a video on an Inuit father and son building an igloo. We found out that they can build it in as fast as 30 minutes. We were astonished!!