Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Tuesday March 11, 2020

All kids should have an Eric Harvie School Reads Across Canada Read-A-Thon handout.  They went home yesterday.  Please let us know if you did not get one.

Ask your child what they did for literacy today (depends on if they worked with Mr. Kai, Ms. Disher, Mrs. Bates or Mrs. Campbell):
-some did literacy centers
-some worked in a guided reading group with a teacher
-some kids read to self or read with someone
-Mr. Kai, Ms. Disher and Mrs. Bates' groups read the Canadian story: Why Ravens and Wolves Hunt Together, as part of our focus on Canadian books
-Ask your child about our new blue writing folders

Tomorrow Ms. Disher's group has their last baby visit for Roots of Empathy.

We will be working on some printing tasks soon.  Stayed tuned.  This may be part of our literacy block and/or our IGNITE time.

Ask your child what they did in their math groups.  Ms. Disher's group worked on an "exit slip"-four questions to see where we are at for double/triple digit addition and subtraction.  Other groups continued to work on double digit addition and subtraction strategies while others read a story and practiced making 20.

Inquiry:  We started a new rotation on Monday so students are now with a different teacher learning about different concepts.  Ask your child if they are part of the Arctic Group or The West Coast Group now.

Have a fantastic night!
The Peace Pod