Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Happy New Year Everyone!
Tuesday January 7, 2019

Please see the Monday Connect that is sent electronically for important information and upcoming dates such as: January 31st report cards will be sent electronically (no more paper copies) and February 1st is a non-instructional day (no school).

We have Book Truck from the Calgary Library tomorrow.

We are really trying to get back into the habit of exchanging library books and home reading books during our morning IGNITE time.  The January information page for home reading will be sent home in the next few days.

Welcome back Mrs. Campbell!  The kids sure missed her while she was away (but we got Mr. Kai during that time...lucky us!).  Welcome to our new student who started in the Winter Homeroom group!

Thank you to everyone for the beautiful/yummy/thoughtful gifts and cards that many of you gave us teachers for Christmas.  It was greatly appreciated!  Some gifts came without cards so I am not sure who they are from (Ms. Disher) so again, thank you for generosity.

Today we have started a new math unit on patterns and relations.  Some highlights include:
Grade 1 students need to be able to describe, extend, create and reproduce patterns
Grade 2 students need to be able to do the above as well as translate patterns

Mrs. Bates: Math Group Today: They created repeating patterns with loose parts and talked about what the "core" of a pattern is.
Mrs. Campbell: Math Group Today: They worked on creating patterns with blocks.
Ms. Disher: Math Group Today:  We talked about what a pattern is (repeating or increasing/growing).  Some kids even came up with "non-examples" of patterns to explain what a pattern is.  We worked on extending patterns with shapes and colors as well as brainstormed a list of things we could use for patterns such as colors, shapes, numbers, blocks, size, etc.

This is a good website for online games for patterning: https://www.abcya.com/games/patterns

Some of our patterning experiences today:

From the Peace Pod
Have a fantastic night!