Monday, January 27, 2020

Monday, January 27, 2020


Warm Feet and Hands

This week, the Eric Harvie Peace Ambassadors are collecting warm, new or gently used, adult sized socks and hats for Calgary's homeless. After our recent cold spell, supplies are low at our city's shelters and we want to help to fill them back up before the next cold snap hits. There are collection bins and a display in the hub where students can drop off donations during ignite time each day.
Please ensure:

  • socks are ADULT sizes
  • gently used socks and hats are washed and do not have any holes
  • socks are rolled into pairs
  • they are high enough to cover cold ankles
Peace Ambassadors will be at our upcoming Sock Hop on Thursday evening to take donations as well!
If you would prefer to donate to our coin collection, Mrs. Zwack will happily purchase socks and hats.

Thank you for supporting our Warm Feet and Heads project!

Week 2 Swimming is from February 3-7th. Please see previous blog post for additional information. 
Volunteer link:

Our Day:

Roots of Empathy:
We had our baby visits today. It was a delight to see how they are all growing and changing. Students asked interesting questions and learned more about how babies sleep and about transition objects. Students continue to make keen observations about baby's behaviour and feelings.

Math: We are continuing with problem solving and looking at different strategies for addition and subtraction. 
Some students played Rainbow Bump - in this game they had to roll 3 dice, add the sum and cover the matching space on the game board. If their opponent rolled the same sum they could be "bumped" off of that space. Students demonstrated their knowledge of adding skills, such as counting the dots the dice, counting on, adding 2 dice and adding the third and using mental math skills. 

Literacy: We had literacy centres and read to self. In word work we were given mixed up letters that spell out the big world 'students' to see how many smaller words we could make. Ask you child about some different word families they make have discovered. 

Inquiry: Group B was working on creating what the coastal region looked like before colonization. We used loose parts to show our thinking.