Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Wednesday January 22, 2020

Swimming:  Just a friendly reminder that we are not eating on the bus because we are eating snack in the classroom before we go.  The bus driver was busy cleaning up snack mess on the bus and we are trying to be respectful of that space.

Group B and Harmony G Inquiry Groups (Ms. Disher and Ms. Low):  Today we worked on creating our Northwest Territories Coat of Arms.  Ask your child about this project if they are in these groups.  The Coat of Arms is full of colors and symbols that represent the flora and fauna we are studying.  We also worked on coloring all the living things in a picture.  We are learning about the differences between living and nonliving as our group is learning about the living things in Inuvik in the Northwest Territories.  We had some good debate about what a living thing is and needs to live.  In the picture there was a leaf on the that living?  Other great questions that were asked: Do all living things move? (Student Response: "Well the tire swing moves in the picture so it must be living.).  Have some conversations about living vs. nonliving at home!

Color the living things in the picture.

From the Peace Pod
Have a fantastic night!