Thursday, January 9, 2020

Thursday January 9, 2020

Hello all,

Ask your child what they did in gym today (hint: basketball, pivoting, shooting, dribbling).

Ask your child about the math game we played today.

Today we did read to self, read to someone and literacy centers.  Ask your child which they participated in.  Some kids read individually with teachers to see how they are doing.

We read the story Danny The Dinosaur while we ate our fun snack...too cold to go outside!

Today in math we continued working on patterns with our math groups.  We talked further about repeating and increasing patterns.  At home, see if your child can find patterns OR can they make an increasing pattern for you with numbers?

Swim lessons start soon.  Dates will be sent home as some possible changes to the schedule may happen.  We could use some volunteers to help us out.  Please email your child's homeroom teacher if you can help us out.  Forms for swimming will be sent home in the next few days.

Have a warm and safe night!
The Peace Pod