Friday, January 10, 2020

January 10, 2020

Friday, January 10th, 2020


Swimming permission forms will be sent home on Monday. The pod will be divided into 2 groups for swimming so we will be going over 2 weeks. The dates are: Jan. 20-24th and February 3-7th.
If you are able to volunteer that would be great!
You will know when your child will be swimming when we send the form home on Monday.

Please look for more information regarding swimming on Monday's blog.

At school today:

Students practiced addition skills today while playing a math game called, Connect 4. They also continued to practice their number patterning skills during our math game time today. During Read to Self all students showed great stamina being able to read for the entire time. We continued to brainstorm different ideas that writers use to help them think of what to write about and added to our brain pocket charts. During inquiry students were challenged to use their knowledge of animal adaptations to come up with a creative way for a Canadian animal to survive in a completely different environment.