Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday, April 17th

🌥The End of Another Week!🌥

UPDATE: We know there have been some issues with uploading pictures to the Signs of Spring 2020 photo collection and we apologize for any inconvenience that may have caused. At this time, there seems to be no apparent reason why some emails are working while others are not. It does seem like the most reliable way to upload to the collection is through the browser on a computer. If you are still experiencing issues with uploading your photo to our Signs of Spring 2020 photo collection, please e-mail your photo(s) to and your photo will be uploaded on your behalf. We don't want to miss out on your pictures!

Good Morning everyone! Have a wonderful day 😀.
Friday, April 17th

Mrs. Bates would like to share the story Balloon Tree with you, by Phoebe Gilman.

Subject: Language Arts 
Name of Activity: Read to Self & Read to Someone
Purpose: I can build my reading stamina
                I can choose appropriate good fit books and practice my reading strategies

Support: No support required unless a parent chooses to be a part of Read to Someone

Technology: Computer to copy the posters for student's office space, for reading no technology required.

Materials: 2 pieces of paper, markers/pencil or pen

Time Frame: 50 minutes

Task: Peace Pod Students do you recognize these signs?  Explain to your parents/siblings why we use these signs and what they are for. 

1) Please copy these charts to place in your home "office space".  This will help you to remember the expectations for Read to Self and Read to Someone.  
2) Once your signs are made and posted please set a timer for 15min and practice Read to Self using your iPick books you have gathered from home.  (Remember you can read the book 3 ways - read the pictures, read the words and retell the story).  
3) Set the timer again for 15min and practice Read to Someone.  You can read to a family member if they are available or practice reading to a pet or stuffed animal.  

Parents - if you are supporting your child during read to someone we have been working on getting them to practice asking for "coaching" or "time".  If they are stuck on a word you can ask them "do you need coaching or time?"  If they say coaching you can help them to decode the word, if they ask for time allow them time to apply their strategies to try to decode the word on their own.  

Optional Extension: 
Students who would like to can make a video of themselves reading and post to IRIS.

**We encourage all students to continue their daily home reading with 15min of reading daily.  If you would like to track this reading as we have done in the past you may print a copy of the home reading tracking sheet.  


For your additional task today, Mr. Kai has an art project for you to do. Watch the video and follow along. Remember that there are no right or wrong answers in art. Just try your best and enjoy the process! We would love to see the final result if you want to share a photo afterwards.

Needed Materials: 
  • Pencil
  • Black Marker
  • Two (2) pencil crayons or Two (2) crayons - It is suggested you pick different shades of dark blue, purple, green, or grey.
  • Ruler (a cutting board or a large hardcover book would also work)
  • A cup

Have a great weekend!