Good Morning Peace Pod!
We LOVE all the work you have been sharing with us. It is lovely to see your assignments and other work you have done. We have a small request - when uploading to IRIS can you please just tag your responsibility teacher. We can all see the lovely work you are doing by clicking on your IRIS profile and we will be checking in but if you could please just tag your responsibility teacher in your uploads it would help us to keep track of who has posted. Thank you for helping us out!
Mrs. Bates has a morning message for you and an idea that you might want to try at home!
Morning Message
Today’s Job: Word Work - Rhyming Words
Subject: Language Arts
Technology: laptop/tablet/phone
Materials Required:
-writing notebook or visual journal
Parents will need to give their child the instructions and may need to
read the rhyming words out loud to their child. Parents may need to
check in to help with thinking of rhyming words and help with spelling.
Timeframe: read aloud - 5 min
Task - 20 min
If your child does not get through all 8 pairs in 20 min. you can stop
(they can get through as many as they can in this time frame) or if your
child is having difficulty copying down the words, a parent or sibling can
copy down the rhyming pairs and the student can write down the new rhyming word.
1. Listen to the story read aloud by Mrs. Campbell here: Read Aloud - April 7
2. Did you hear some rhyming words? Do you remember any? Remember rhyming words sound the same at the end of the word. The spelling may be different but the SOUND at the end of the word is the same. Ex. car, far, bar, star OR high, fly, bye
3. Here are some rhyming words from the book. Organize your notebook like the picture.
1. Listen to the story read aloud by Mrs. Campbell here: Read Aloud - April 7
2. Did you hear some rhyming words? Do you remember any? Remember rhyming words sound the same at the end of the word. The spelling may be different but the SOUND at the end of the word is the same. Ex. car, far, bar, star OR high, fly, bye
3. Here are some rhyming words from the book. Organize your notebook like the picture.
4. Copy down each rhyming pair.
5. Think of a one or two new rhyming words for each pair. If you want a challenge think of 3 for each work.
6. Take a photo of your work and post it in IRIS. Tag only your responsibility teacher.
Read/say the words together, ask your child do these words sound the same or different?
Offer a suggestion or example. Then encourage a new word.
Offer a different beginning sound. Ex. race, place, f_____ or sp____Suggested Activities To Check Out Today:
Below is a great link from Learn Alberta called "Bookflix". We use it often at school to view stories.
There is a section for "Music and Rhyme". Can you find other books about rhyming words?
Chain Game: A word play game
How to Play: You need a partner (can be played with more), a pencil/marker/pen/something to write with, scraps of paper or a notebook. The goal of the game is to try to make the longest chain of words that you can. Pick one person to start and they choose a word. They write the word down on a scrap of paper or in a notebook and the second player has to look at this word and think of a new word that starts with the last letter of the first word and so on. You and the other players can decide when to stop and try starting a new chain. Try different types of words: rhyming words, classmate names, objects from your house, words from stories we have read, etc. See the example below...
(player one came up with the word "house", player two writes "eat", player one writes "tall" and keep going!)
Have fun and you are welcome to take a photo to upload into IRIS with some of your chains! Challenge: what's the longest chain you can make? Can you make one with 10 words? 20 words? rhyming words?