Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Wednesday April 15, 2020

🌨Happy Wednesday, Everyone!🌨  

Mrs. Bates has an idea to make today FUN!  Check out her morning message:
Mrs. Bates Morning Message

Hello everyone!  I hope you enjoy my read aloud for today (Ms. Disher!).  The story is Beautiful Oops by Barney Saltzberg...

Today’s Job: Access Google Classroom

Subject: Special Activity - Introduction to Google Classroom

  • Computer/phone/tablet
Materials Required: 
*No additional materials required

As this is our first time logging into Google Classroom, it is advised that parents follow along with the instructions and help students with accessing and navigating their Google Classroom profile.

40 min 

Task: *If you do not have a math classroom invite in your google classroom, email your responsibility teacher.
  1. Watch the tutorial video with Mr. Kai. 
  2. Using your e-mail, log into Google Classroom. 
  3. Join the class that you have been assigned to.
  4. Navigate to the “Classwork” tab and open your two assignments.
  5. Assignment #1: Watch the “Digital Citizenship” video.
  6. Assignment #2: Answer the multiple choice question. 
  7. You have completed today’s task! 

Additional Activities(these are optional and only suggestions/recommendations):

1.     Virtual Dice: Use the link below and you can roll the dice to practice your addition and subtraction facts.  Many of you have played this game with me (Ms. Disher!)

2.     It doesn’t look very spring-like today (more snow!)…BUT we can still all hear the birds.  Below is a guided drawing on how to draw a basic bird.  Add your own personality to the bird with color, texture, a background or make changes/additions to the drawing.  Remember how we have been learning about how lines create shapes and shapes create objects.  As well, curved lines show movement while straight lines don’t.  We can’t wait to see your birds as signs of spring!  You are welcome to take a photo to upload onto IRIS.  Challenge: when you are drawing the detail on the wings (the smaller curved lines), see if you can make an odd or even number!  Have fun!