Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April 1, 2020

Happy April 1st everyone! Hopefully our warm spring weather is just around the corner!


THANK YOU for support at home. Please know that we are here to support you in any way we can. Feel free to email your child's teacher with questions or concerns.  
Please check your email for a letter from EHS regarding ongoing learning and technology.

Thank you to those of you that have shared your office spaces in IRIS.  Mrs. Bates would like to share her office space with you:
Link:  Mrs. Bates Office

Your Job Today
Learning Intention: I can retell a story using pictures and/or words.

Listen to Mrs. Coulson read aloud, Giraffes Can’t Dance (just click this link!)

This story is about a giraffe named Gerald who wants to dance. Listen to find out
what happens. This story might remind you a bit of the book we read earlier
in the year called Elmer.

If you would like to (not mandatory) show your work to your teacher, post your work in Iris.
The username is your child's CBE ID number.
(After your child has logged in click on the button at the top that says, + Add a New Artifact)

Students will be at different writing stages. Choose an option that best fits your child.

In your visual journal divide a page into 4 and label with First, Then, Next and Last.
Draw the story in order (sequence) and colour your pictures. Retell the story
to someone in your home.


In your writing journal divide your page into four at the top and draw out the main
parts of the story. Label each part with First, Then, Next and Last.
After you have drawn you pictures, retell the story in your own words using
First, Then, Next and Last as sentence starters. Remember to try to print on
the lines and use spaces between words.

Optional Writing Extension: 
If you would like to write some more you can make a connection to the story
on the next page. You can draw a picture of what you are good at, and
something you’d like to get better at. 

Here are some sentence starters:

I am really good at ______________. 
When I _______________ it makes me feel ___________________.

Something I would like to get better at is___________________. 
I can get better by ____________________________________.

Just for fun!
Here’s a guided drawing lesson on how to draw a giraffe. If you’d like you can do this in
your visual journal.

How To Draw A Giraffe

You may be interested in these activities today:



Read Aloud by Todd Parr (author):