Friday, February 28, 2020

February 28, 2020

February 28, 2020

We were excited to look at the Kindergarten showcase today. Thank you to the kindergarten students and teachers for inviting us to view their learning.

We played math games. Students were given choice between a number of math games that we have learned such as rainbow bump, connect four, doubles race, trash can math, race to the top, doubles snap and tens partners. All of these games help us practice our addition and mental math skills.

During literacy time students read to self and read and to a partner. Some students listened to stories on bookflix. Bookflix is available for free through Learn Alberta. You'll just need to sign in with the following:
username: LA06
password: 4105


We had a STEM challenge today (Science Technology Engineering and Math) to build different things out of lego. These challenges teach us to persevere, be creative, to collaborate with others. STEM challenges are all about the thought process and thinking like a STEMist improves problem solving in all areas of life. Ask your child what they built today!

In gym we had relays. We moved at various levels and speeds, working to improve our coordination. Students crab walked, bear walked, skipped, galloped, army crawled, ran, and shuffled today. 

We also watched a Mystery Science video and learned why we have leap years!

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thursday February 27, 2021

Hi all, we had another busy day.  You can ask your child about the following tasks we did.  Not all kids completed the same tasks as we regroup the kids in a variety of ways:
-Ask about the Math and Literacy centers during IGNITE
-Ask your child if they changed their home reading or library book today.
-Ask your child if they did literacy centers or read with a teacher in their guided reading group (Mr. Kai, Mrs. Bates or Ms. Disher)
-Ask your child about the writing we started on Tuesday (hint: we read a book called How to Loose Friends-we were drawing and writing 4 ways to keep or be kind to our friends)
-Ask your child what they did in their math group today (hint: I can use an addition strategy to solve a problem.)
-Ask your child about what they did for Inquiry time (hint: Peace group B continued their work looking at sketching ocean creature artifacts and learning about the food chain of the cougar, orca and eagle)
-Ask your child what we did in gym today with Mr. Der (hint: mini beach balls, paddles)

Look for the Peace Pod learning intentions for the January Inquiry groups and for math in February to be posted.  Please let us know if you are having trouble viewing the learning intentions in PowerSchool.

We look forward to tonight's event!
Have a wonderful evening,
The Peace Pod

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

February 26, 2020


Check out the invitation below. We'd love to see you here tomorrow night.

Pink Shirt Day 2020
We had great participation in our pod for today's Pink Shirt day which supports creating a kind and caring school.

Take a look at some of the artwork we created. We read How to Teach your Dragon to Make Friends and Words. Students then created words to lift us up using chalk and oil pastels.

Students participated in a variety of different activities during our literacy time today. A small group of students did a lesson with one of our student teachers and created heart maps showing what they love and value most. It was endearing to see how big of a space each child's family takes up in their heart.
During inquiry the Arctic group learned about symbols that form the land, people and place. They read the Inuksuk Book and created a list of what they learned about Inuksuit. The coastal group worked on some guided drawings in their chosen animal group (cougar, eagle, orca). They learned about animal adaptations to their environment and each animal's food web. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Tuesday February 25th

Pink Shirt Day Tomorrow!  You are welcome to wear pink clothing or Eric Harvie clothing to celebrate the day.

We work as a whole pod but work in smaller groups for reading, writing and math so not every child participates in the same activities.  Below is a list of things that you can ask your child about if they participated:
-Ask me about IGNITE (math and literacy centers today)
-Ask me what I did in my math group (Mrs. Disher's group worked on the commutative property where the order you add numbers does not matter: 4+7=7+4 and how this impacts equations that have more than 2 addends: 23+79+86)
-Ask me about the story we read today in preparation for Pink Shirt Day: How To Loose All Your Friends (and then we started writing about it in our journals)
-Ask me about my new guided reading group or guided reading teacher (we switched groups today)
-Ask me what I did in Inquiry this afternoon (Peace A continued work on sketching shells/sea creatures, learning about the difference between a fact and an opinon, the 7 characteristics of living things)
-Ask your child about the pictures below...

Have a fantastic night!
The Peace Pod

Monday, February 24, 2020

February 24, 2020

Pink Shirt day is on Wednesday this week!
Family Information Evening is this week. See invitation below!

Our day:
We took some time to talk about kindness and a little bit about pink shirt day. Please wear a pink shirt to school if you are able to to help support kindness in schools. We will continue to learn more about Pink Shirt day and will focus read alouds and discussions on kindness and caring for others.

Why Wear PINK on February 26th?
Wear pink to show that you will not tolerate bullying. Bullying in any form is unacceptable and everyone has a role to play in promoting healthy relationships and preventing bullying. Let’s continue to make our school communities welcoming, caring, respectful, safe, and inclusive.
Two Nova Scotia high school students inspired Pink Shirt Day by organizing their fellow students to wear pink in support of a Grade 9 boy who was being bullied for wearing a pink shirt. Learn more about Pink Shirt Day and how the CBE works to create safe and caring school environments.
The Alberta Education website also has information posted on safe and caring school environments.

During inquiry today the Coast group looked at seashells from the west coast and sketched sea creatures. The Arctic group  was introduced to  the  Northern Communities of Nunavut and Tuktoyaktuk. Students created a list of "wonders' they would like to investigate about either community.