Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Tuesday February 11/20

Hello everyone!

Reminders: Valentine card exchange tomorrow.  No school Thursday, Friday or Monday.  Please return your permission forms for the Who Do You Tell session (whether you want your child to participate or not).

Literacy:  Today we started working on building stamina for writing.  We had the kids draw a memory pocket story using four pictures to show the sequence of their story (the Program of Studies calls it telling/writing a "personal narrative").  We used four key words to when it came time to them doing the writing for their story: First, Next, Then, Finally.  We had all the kids draw silently and on their own for 10 minutes then write for 10 minutes on their own.  They did really well with this!

Math:  Today Ms. Disher's math group worked on the "Magic Triangles" addition problems: Magic Triangles are a simple addition/missing addend problem that creates opportunities for higher level thinking. Kids must place the numbers 1 through 6 on the outside of a triangle to make the numbers on each side sum to the same amount.  See the examples below.  You can make the task more challenging by changing the number in the middle.  Today we worked with 12 and 20.  The group found this challenging and that sometimes problems can have more than one way to solve.  Some questions we considered (and you can too if you want to try this at home):
-How many solutions are there?
-Is there some connection between the solutions?
-Does it matter what numbers go in the corners?
-What strategies did students use to solve?

Some images about our writing and Ms. Disher's math group from today...

Have a fantastic evening!
The Peace Pod