Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thursday February 27, 2021

Hi all, we had another busy day.  You can ask your child about the following tasks we did.  Not all kids completed the same tasks as we regroup the kids in a variety of ways:
-Ask about the Math and Literacy centers during IGNITE
-Ask your child if they changed their home reading or library book today.
-Ask your child if they did literacy centers or read with a teacher in their guided reading group (Mr. Kai, Mrs. Bates or Ms. Disher)
-Ask your child about the writing we started on Tuesday (hint: we read a book called How to Loose Friends-we were drawing and writing 4 ways to keep or be kind to our friends)
-Ask your child what they did in their math group today (hint: I can use an addition strategy to solve a problem.)
-Ask your child about what they did for Inquiry time (hint: Peace group B continued their work looking at sketching ocean creature artifacts and learning about the food chain of the cougar, orca and eagle)
-Ask your child what we did in gym today with Mr. Der (hint: mini beach balls, paddles)

Look for the Peace Pod learning intentions for the January Inquiry groups and for math in February to be posted.  Please let us know if you are having trouble viewing the learning intentions in PowerSchool.

We look forward to tonight's event!
Have a wonderful evening,
The Peace Pod