Happy Tuesday Everyone!
Today was a fun and really busy day as all 3 groups in our pod had different schedules due to make up baby visits from Roots of Empathy and the Who Do You Tell Sessions started today which are hour long blocks.
Reminder: Scholastic Book Orders are due on February 21st.
Some things you can ask your child about our day (depending on which group they were in):
-Roots of Empathy and learning about how you know if a baby is curious and what it means to be curious (Mrs. Campbell and Ms. Disher's groups)
-Who Do You Tell Session #1 (Mrs. Bates and Mrs. Campbell's groups-Ms. Disher's group starts tomorrow)
-some of us had a read a-loud of the story Zombie in Love 2+1 by Kelly DiPucchio and talked about whether it would be a memory pocket, fact pocket or imagination pocket story
-we had indoor movement break this morning as it was too cold to go outside
-we worked on writing a memory pocket story using the sentence prompts: first, next, then, last
-below is a link to a great website that is interactive about weather (connects to math and the science unit of study on Exploring Liquids and Hot and Cold Temperatures)
Group A Peace Pod Afternoon Inquiry Time:
-we met together as a group to read a story full of west coast animals and plants
-if your child is in this group, ask them which of the 3 animals they chose to study further: eagle, orca or cougar
-we all had gym today with Mr. Der
-some of us had Music today
-ask your child if they can tell you the 7 characteristics of living things
-ask your child about the game we played for living and non-living things (we are learning about the concept of living and non-living):
-ask your child about the Northern Abalone shell we passed around (along with other shells) and why it is an endangered animal on the west coast
-one group got to see/feel/smell several shells and pieces of seaweed, the other group with get a chance tomorrow (this is part of our study of living and nonliving things/needs of plants and animals of the west coast/Vancouver Island)
-see the image below for the artifacts kids got to experience:
Have a fantastic day!
The Peace Pod