Monday, February 10, 2020

February 10, 2020


Valentine's Day will be celebrated on Wednesday, February 12th, 2020 at school.

If your child would like to participate we are asking the following:

  • please bring enough valentines for your responsibility group. If you'd like to bring valentines for the entire pod that is up to you
  • each responsibility group has 26 students
  • please do not send any treats 
  • do not address cards to specific students (leave the "to" field blank)

Thank you for you help.

  • Please return the blue "Who Do You Tell? Program Permission form to your child's teacher this week

Our Day 

Roots of Empathy: Baby Warren came to visit today with the Summer group. He is growing and changing so quickly!

Literacy: students focused on increasing their stamina and on comprehending their reading during our Read to Self time today. Students who participated in literacy stations worked on poem reconstruction, word families, and sentence building. Small groups of students also read with teachers today in guided reading groups. 

Math: Students are working in different groupings to build on learning strategies for addition. Some strategies we are learning are counting on, using doubles and doubles plus one, as well as using a ten frame and/or number line. 

Mindfulness: we practiced moving mindfulness today after lunch with a yoga practice. 

Inquiry: Students have moved into their next round of inquiry with new teachers in the afternoon. Peace A is now learning about flora and fauna of the coastal region with Ms. Disher and Ms. Low. Peace B is working with Mrs. Day and Mrs. Nelligan and learning about the human geography of the Arctic. Students will be in these groupings over the next 3 weeks to further build on their knowledge gained in the last round of inquiry time.