Thursday, February 20, 2020

February 20, 2020

On this day:

Literacy: After to read to self, guided reading and literacy centres, students participated in word work activities in groups with teachers. Students were given mixed up letters from the word branches and created 2-8 letter words. See what words you can come up with at home.

Math: If your child was working with Mrs. Bates in math she gave them a homework challenge to roll a die and identify the number quickly without counting the dots. This is called subitization.
Mrs. Campbell's group learned the friends of ten and about the commutative property today. We played a game you can play at home. Ask your child to hold a playing card on their forehead and you can tell them its friend of ten. Then you child can guess what card they have. Then switch roles!

Inquiry: The Arctic group looked closely at the works of Ted Harrison and began to create their own artwork in his style. The Coast group learned about food webs and living and non-living things.