Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Tuesday February 25th

Pink Shirt Day Tomorrow!  You are welcome to wear pink clothing or Eric Harvie clothing to celebrate the day.

We work as a whole pod but work in smaller groups for reading, writing and math so not every child participates in the same activities.  Below is a list of things that you can ask your child about if they participated:
-Ask me about IGNITE (math and literacy centers today)
-Ask me what I did in my math group (Mrs. Disher's group worked on the commutative property where the order you add numbers does not matter: 4+7=7+4 and how this impacts equations that have more than 2 addends: 23+79+86)
-Ask me about the story we read today in preparation for Pink Shirt Day: How To Loose All Your Friends (and then we started writing about it in our journals)
-Ask me about my new guided reading group or guided reading teacher (we switched groups today)
-Ask me what I did in Inquiry this afternoon (Peace A continued work on sketching shells/sea creatures, learning about the difference between a fact and an opinon, the 7 characteristics of living things)
-Ask your child about the pictures below...

Have a fantastic night!
The Peace Pod