Tuesday February 4, 2020
Hello all,
Today your child was given an information and permission form to participate in the Who Do You Tell sessions. Please read over and return by Friday if you would like your child to participate.
Report cards went to parents last week electronically. If you are having trouble accessing the information, you can check the Monday Connect for information or the blog messages from last week where Mrs. Campbell sent a link for powerschool information.
Highlights from today:
-Swimming was fantastic! Please remember bathing suiting, change of clothes and a towel as the bus leaves right away at 8:25.
-Groups that stayed at school worked on reading to self, guided reading and their story boards from the book Elmer.
-In the afternoon we worked in our Inquiry groups. Peace group B learned about polar bear adaptations to the arctic/tundra and we also had a Roots of Empathy visit where we learned about baby safety and milestones.
Have a fantastic night!
The Peace Pod